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Advisory services for migrants, companies & multipliers

Do you need support with the recognition of your qualifications? Do you have questions about asylum and residence law? Are you planning to hire migrants and still have questions? Then you are right here.

  • We advise on recognition procedures in school, professional and academic areas.
  • We advise refugees on work permit issues as well as career and school options in Germany.
  • We offer special advice for women with a migrant background.
  • We advise companies that want to hire migrants.

Our consultations are free and confidential.
Please arrange a personal consultation appointment in advance. You will find your contact person assigned to the respective advisory area.

Consulting services for migrants

Consulting offers BLEIBdran+


Career advice includes questions about finding/taking up a job, looking for training, or a place at school or university. Placement in language courses, internships or qualifications is also part of career advice.


People who have applied for asylum in Germany, have a toleration, a residence permit or have recently received a residence permit for humanitarian reasons.


IBS gGmbH, Wallstraße 18, 99084 Erfurt


Further information about the advisory services can be found on the project page:BLEIBdran+

MYTURN: gemeinsam stark – Migrantinnen starten durch

We help you:

  • If you would like to work but don’t know which career is right for you.
  • If you want to apply and need help.
  • If you need support to get back to work in your old job.
  • If you are worried that working and caring for children is too stressful and you don’t know if you can manage it.


Career orientation, support in finding work, German course, internship or training, preparing application documents, advice on personal topics




IBS gGmbH, Wallstraße 18, 99084 Erfurt On request, outreach consultation appointments can be arranged


Further information about the advisory services can be found on the project page:MYTURN

Offers in the area of ​​recognition of educational qualifications

Anerkennungs- und Qualifizierungsberatung – Schule und Beruf


Advice on the recognition of foreign school qualifications. Information about training and studying as well as catching up on school qualifications in Thuringia. The aim is to create transparency about foreign school qualifications and to enable access to training or study.


People with foreign school qualifications


IBS gGmbH, Wallstr. 18, 99084 Erfurt. Upon request, advice is also available in Weimar and Sömmerda as well as in the districts of Weimarer Land, Ilm-Kreis, Saalfeld-Rudolstadt, Suhl and Schmalkalden-Meiningen Advice is also possible over the phone or by email.


You can find further information about the advisory services on the project page:Anerkennungs- und Qualifizierungsberatung – Schule und Beruf

Informations- und Beratungsstelle Anerkennung und Qualifizierung Thüringen Mitte


Advice on the recognition of foreign educational qualifications and suitable qualification options. The aim is to create transparency about foreign qualifications and to enable employment at the foreign qualification level.


People with educational qualifications acquired abroad.


IBS gGmbH, Wallstraße 18, 99084 Erfurt Upon request, we can also personally come to Weimar, Ilmenau, Gotha, Arnstadt, Sömmerda and Apolda for consultations.


Further information about the advisory services can be found on the project page:IQ „Berufliche Anerkennung“ (IBA-T Mitte)


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Institut für Berufsbildung und Sozialmanagement gGmbH

Juri-Gagarin-Ring 160
99084 Erfurt

Wallstraße 18
99084 Erfurt