BLEIBdran+ Career prospects for refugees in Thuringia

BLEIBdran+ supports refugees with a residence permit, toleration or humanitarian residence permit with advice and training offers to integrate into the labor market.

The aim is also to improve the situation of refugees in accessing the labor market through structural measures such as training, publications and events.

“BLEIBdran+ Career prospects for refugees in Thuringia” is a network of five Thuringian providers in the “WE networks integrate refugees into the regional labor market” program.

Grafische Darstellung der Teilvorhabenpartner im Thüringer Netzwerk

In addition to the Institute for Vocational Training gGmbH (coordination), the Thuringia Refugee Council e. V., the educational organization of the Thuringian economy. V. (BWTW), the ERFURT Education Center (EBZ) and the Ilm-Kreis social welfare office are sub-project partners in the network.

Information about BLEIBdran+ and all contact persons can be found in our flyer: BLEIBdran+ Thuringia[pdf]

Further information about and from our network can be found at:

In addition to career advice, refugees can attend various courses and educational offerings with us:

Topic: Part-time language coaching for refugees to improve their German skills; Language use and communication in the workplace

Attention: The offer is not a language course.

Target group: refugee workers and trainees with limited language skills

Duration: The course takes place every Tuesday and Friday.
4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m

02/02/2024 – 04/12/2024

Format: Online coaching in groups, additional tasks are completed at home

Goal of the event : Write and understand emails, make phone calls, talk to colleagues and much more

Number of participants: max. 20 people

Location: Online via the BigBlueButton platform and at the Institute for Vocational Training and Social Management Erfurt

Topic: (linguistic) preparation for further basic education courses

Target group: Refugees with a language level A1, regardless of residence status

Duration: 2.5 months – dates for 2024 will be announced later

Goal: Language level A2, have a plan for your further personal educational path

Location: IBS gGmbH, Wallstraße 18, 99084 Erfurt

Topic: Educational course during the summer holidays in the following subjects: German or extended DAZ, economics & social affairs, mathematics, English

Target group: Refugees with German skills from B1 onwards who are aiming for training or secondary school

Duration: Dates for 2024 will be announced later

Number of participants: 15 participants

Scope: 30 teaching units per subject
Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m

Location: IBS, gGmbH, Wallstraße 18, 99084 Erfurt

learn German
List of links to online tools for learning German independently: PDF
[As of: July 5th, 2023]

“Toleration + work = residence permit?”
Download: Toleration + work = residence permit?
[As of: April 27, 2023]



We are here for you:

Christiane Welker
Network coordination
0361 511 500-25

Christiane Götze
Network coordination
0361 511 500-11

Frank Wolfram
Project staff/consultant
0361 511 500- 293

Lea Pulcherie Maffengang
Language lecturer
0361 511 500-22

Nancy Jessulat
Project employee/consultant
0361 511 500-26

Theresa Frank
Project employee/consultant
0361 511 500-26

Gina Hoffmann
Public Relations Officer
0361 511 500-294


Logo of the federal program WIR

The sub-project BLEIBdran+ at the IBS is co-financed by the Thuringian Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Health, Women and Family.

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