MYTURN: “Strong together – migrant women take off”

Women with migration experience are significantly underrepresented in the labor market and in qualification measures. The ESF Plus funding program “MY TURN – Women with migration experience get started” (MY TURN) is intended to ensure that formally low-qualified women with migration experience who have an increased need for support participate in qualification measures to a greater extent than before and, as a result, sustainably take up employment subject to social insurance contributions or self-employment or begin vocational training.

The project is being implemented as part of a project network with the Thuringian Business Education Association, DaMigra (umbrella association of migrant women’s organizations) and the association Prof. A. Hermann Krüger (Krügerverein). The Institute for Vocational Training and Social Management is responsible for coordinating the project network and providing career advice for migrant women.

The project network offers a wide range of options for migrants:

  • information events on social and professional orientation
  • Empowerment workshops and workshop offers on the compatibility of family and work
  • language coaching and language learning advice
  • Career advice, support with applications and job searches
  • Organization of company visits, internships and social-spatial excursions
  • placement in qualification, training and work
  • computer courses for acquiring and developing digital skills
  • 6-month labor market-related qualification course
  • Individual basic education courses

The project Strong Together – Migrants Get Started started on October 1st, 2022 and will run until December 31st, 2025. It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the European Union through the European Social Fund plus (ESF plus) as part of the programme “MYTURN – Women with migration experience get started”.



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