Start Education

to promote language skills and basic education

!New course! Start August 26th, 2024 – finish July 11th, 2025 – Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m

The “Start Bildung” qualification program is intended for young adults aged between 18 and 35 who are no longer subject to compulsory schooling and do not have sufficient language and technical skills to obtain a school-leaving certificate or start an apprenticeship.

German language skills at level A2 are a prerequisite for participation in the “Start Bildung” course.

This year we are again offering a “Fit in Education” course to raise the language level from A1 to A2. This course starts on June 15th, 2024 and runs until August 23rd, 2024 and ends with an A2 language exam.

Participation in both courses is free of charge, regardless of residence status or country of origin.

This strengthens participation in social life and creates the necessary conditions for entering the labor market.

The aim is toachieve the ability to connect to regular systems,such as taking up dual training or catching up on a school-leaving qualification, e.g. as part of a vocational preparation year (BVJ) or in vocational preparation training measures (BvB) offered by the Employment Agency. This measure also prepares students for obtaining an equivalent secondary school leaving certificate.

A course lasts 11 months, approx.40 weeks of 30 hours per week,a total of 1,200 teaching units.

The learning areas include:

  • a basic general education with the acquisition of interdisciplinary skills (such as methodological skills and learning strategies) and subject-specific skills in the areas of German (DAZ)/communication, mathematics and political and social education
  • practical vocational orientation (with company exploration, vocational field exploration, vocational field testing, internships or work in training workshops and job application training).

Media literacy skills are taught in an integrated manner.

The state program “Start Bildung” is an adult education program for acquiring a basic general education. It is funded by the Thuringian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (TMBJS). The Institute for Vocational Training and Social Management gGmbH, as a cooperation partner of the AWO Bildungswerk, will begin the course on August 26, 2024.

Registration for the new course is now open.
Registration form [PDF]

You can also use the following documents to apply for the course:
Quick info [PDF]
Poster [PDF]



A state program of the Free State of Thuringia.

Funded by TMBJS funds

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