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Afeefa – Colorful Compass for Thuringia. Seek. Find. Participate

Begegnen – Beraten – Wohnen (B²W) – Gemeinsam Zusammen in Erfurt

Begleitprojekt Migration

BLEIBdran+ Career prospects for refugees in Thuringia


Critical Refection Academy

Erzieherinnen, Erzieher und pädagogische Fachkräfte für Thüringen

International service office for the health and social economy in Thuringia (ISGT)

IQ Bildungs- und Integrationsbegleitung –Fokus Gesundheits-, Sozial- und Bildungsberufe

IQ Information and Advice Center Recognition and Qualification Thuringia Mitte (IBA-Thüringen Mitte)

IQ Integrationsmanagement Thüringen

MYTURN: “Strong together – migrant women take off”

Paths to Care 3.0: Qualification for People with Migration Experience

Recognition and qualification advice – school and career

Solidarity and empowerment – creating perspectives together with immigrant women and girls

SprInt Thüringen

Start Education

Thuringian specialist office for refugees in work and training


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Institut für Berufsbildung und Sozialmanagement gGmbH

Juri-Gagarin-Ring 160
99084 Erfurt

Wallstraße 18
99084 Erfurt