SprInt Thüringen

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Now also online.

Language and integration mediators (SprInt) support specialist staff in education, health and social services in communicating with foreign-speaking citizens. Your work breaks down communication barriers and enables problem-free and effective collaboration. SprInt are interpreters and more:

  • They interpret in a specialist manner.
  • They mediate and provide information on socio-cultural issues.
  • You recognize misunderstandings and explain the causes to those involved.
  • You assist social work professionals, e.g. in communicating with families who need help with parenting.

At our location in Erfurt, the SprInt are placed in assignments by the SprIntpool Thuringia and are also prepared for this work in the 18-month “qualification to become a language and integration mediator” .

The SprIntpool Thuringia is part of the nationwide network for language and integration mediation. Further information about the career profile of a language and integration mediator can be found on the SprInt service center website.

SprIntpool Thüringen

"Uncomplicated, fast and flexible. We really value SprIntpool's interpreting service and are happy to use this opportunity. In this way we can overcome language barriers and create a familiar atmosphere with appreciation for our clients."

We can provide you with qualified language and integration mediators quickly and easily. Over 150 customers from the education, health and social sectors throughout Thuringia are already using the service.

There are currently 55 certified language and integration teachers available for placement work in Thuringia. The brokerage service offering includes:

  • Personal interpreting (on-site)
  • Telephone interpreting (e.g. if needed at short notice)
  • Assistantship for social work professionals
  • Video interpreting

As a customer, you submit an inquiry to SprIntpool Thuringia (by telephone, email or fax), stating your individual case, location, date and desired language. The project coordinator determines whether a suitable person is available for the desired assignment and refers this person to the client.

If you would like to look into the topic in more detail before using SprInt, we recommend our information sheet Preparing for a SprInt use.

Travel costs and working hours are charged for the order of a SprInt.

The gross hourly rate for a Sprint is €38.00. At least one hour of use is billed per assignment. After one hour of use, half an hourly rate will be billed additionally for every half hour begun. The operation begins at the agreed time.

When using a private car, the travel costs are €0.30 per kilometer for a return journey; When using public transport, the actual amount of the costs incurred will be charged. The travel time is charged at €19.00 per hour.

Please also note the terms and conditions. Please also take a look at the information on billing and tariffs as well as the overview of our services.

The SprIntpool currently includes 55 language and integration mediators / 38 languages.

Amharic, Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Chinese, Dari, English, Ewondo, Farsi, French, Georgian, Hindi, Indonesian, Ingush, Italian, Javanese, Kurdish, Macedonian, Oromo, Pashto, Persian, Polish, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Tajik, Chechen, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese, among others.

Booking requests can be made by telephone or email.

You can reach the brokerage service:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m
Tuesday & Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m

Telephone: 0361 511 500 21
Mobil: 0157 357 017 88
Fax: 0361 511 500 29

The SprIntpool Thuringia also offers training and further education for volunteers, specialists and actors in the intercultural area.

Basic training for volunteer language mediators
Format: Lecture & Workshop
Target group: volunteers
Cost: free of charge
The training covers the most important framework conditions for a professional activity as an interpreter: What training options are there? What is the difference between the various professional titles and what are the typical areas of work for interpreters in Germany?
A second focus will be on the specifics of community interpreting, interpreting in the public sector: How does interpreting in education, health and social services differ from interpreting in court? What challenges do language mediators have to prepare for here? and what strategies can they adopt in order to be successful in the long term?
In practical exercises, participants can compare their interpreting skills and test approaches to professional development.

Trialogue training
in cooperation with the ElKis project (Friedenskreis Halle e.V.)
Format: Workshops
Target group: Specialists and actors in the field of migration/integration
Costs: please contact us, we will adapt the training to your personal needs
What challenge do interpreted conversations pose for professionals? Are there strategies for professionals to contribute to successful communication in interpreted conversations? Through various exercises, methods and frequent changes of perspective, these trainings raise awareness of the special conversation situations in the trialogue.

through our Sprint

Format: Lecture and exchange
Target group: Specialists and actors in the field of migration/integration
Costs: please contact us, we will adapt the training to your personal needs
When working with immigrants, questions about specific circumstances in the respective countries of origin can be of great interest. e.g. Is there a counterpart to the local daycare centers in Syria? If so, how comparable are they to each other?? Institutions can bring their specific topics or questions to us and our SprInt prepare appropriate training.

Please feel free to contact us if you are interested!

Qualification as a language and integration mediator

Language and integration mediation is a new activity; it requires high technical and communication skills. Our qualification offer makes it possible to achieve the requirements to work successfully as a language and integration mediator within 18 months.

During the qualification, theoretical and practical learning phases alternate. The theoretical lessons are supplemented by 3 internships (depending on participation in the face-to-face course or the part-time blended learning variant).

The future language and integration mediators will be taught in a total of nine learning fields. You will acquire knowledge of the basics and structures in education, health and social services as well as various subject areas beyond that. The following content is conveyed:

Learning area 1: Reflection skills
Learning area 2: Social skills and communication skills
Learning area 3: Migration and participation
Learning area 4: Education and training
Learning area 5: Social affairs
Learning area 6: Healthcare
Learning area 7: Theory and practice of interpreting
Learning area 8: Subject-related German
Learning field 9: Accompanying learning units (e.g. IT, application training, etc.)

The course can be completed in two variants:

1.) Face-to-face course
The face-to-face course takes place from 9:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in our premises from Monday to Friday. Attendance is mandatory.

2.) Part-time in the blended learning variant

Working people have the opportunity to complete the qualification in a blended learning variant. The participants work on the topics modularly and largely independently using an online learning platform (Moodle). The modules are supplemented by online and face-to-face appointments in which participants delve deeper into the topics together with our lecturers. Online appointments take place 1 to 2 days per week in the afternoon. Face-to-face appointments once per month. The exact dates and times will be announced later.

Educational provider: Institute for Vocational Training and Social Management non-profit GmbH (IBS)
Duration: November 15, 2023 to June 30, 2025 “Introduction workshops” will also take place in September and October (you can find the dates planned so far at the bottom of this page under “Downloads”)
Duration: 20 months (20 months; 18 months course + final exams)
Class times (face-to-face course): Monday to Friday from 9:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m
Teaching times (blended learning course – part-time): 1 to 2 days per week, approx. 90 minutes in the afternoon (online) and a full-day face-to-face appointment once per month
Training location: Wallstrasse 18, 99084 Erfurt

General participation requirements:

Participation in the 3-day “introduction workshop” (the dates planned so far can be found under “Downloads” on this page)
as well as

  • own migration background or intercultural experience from long-term stays abroad
  • German language skills at level B2
  • Proof of a second language (usually the native language)
  • School leaving certificate comparable to “intermediate school leaving certificate” (secondary school leaving certificate)
  • General professional experience or professional qualification equivalent to completed vocational training or educational or nursing work in the family for at least two years
  • social commitment
  • Previous experience in interpreting is an advantage
  • Police clearance certificate without entry (can be submitted later)

The following requirements also apply to participation in the blended learning variant:

Participation in the one-week “basic training” (note: the basic training is recognized as educational leave – the dates planned so far can be found under “Downloads” on this page)
as well as

  • Knowledge of German at level C1
  • Interpreting experience (multiple assignments)
  • Since this variant largely takes place online, participants need a laptop or tablet and good computer skills

*In justified cases, individual requirements may be deviated from.

Participation in the qualification is free of charge; travel costs incurred can be reimbursed.

The final examination (written, oral and practical) corresponds to the standards of the nationwide examination concept of the SprInt network. It is accepted and certified by IBS together with external examiners from the following three academic institutions:

  • For the Department of Health: University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Institute for Medical Sociology (IMS)
  • For the subject of interpreting: Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Department of Translation, Linguistics and Cultural Studies
  • For the Department of Social and Education: Alice Salomon University Berlin (ASH)

After successfully completing their qualification, the SprInt can work in educational, social and health care institutions or as independent interpreters. If you wish, you will be included in the Thuringian placement service and placed through it.

Are you interested and would you like more information?
Then please register for one of our information events:

21.09.2023 | 16:30 – 18:00 Uhr (online)
28.09.2023 | 10:00 – 12:00 Uhr (in Präsenz)
12.10.2023 | 10:00 – 12:00 Uhr (in Präsenz) ODER 16:30 – 18:00 Uhr (online)
16.10.2023 | 10:00 – 12:00 Uhr (in Präsenz) ODER 16:30 – 18:00 Uhr (online)
19.10.2023 | 16:30 – 18:00 Uhr (online)

You can register for the information events via email Geben Sie dabei bitte Ihren Wunschtermin (in Präsenz oder online) an. As soon as you have registered, you will receive the event location or the link from us.

Necessary documents for the application (these can be submitted before or after the information events):

  • Motivation letter
  • CV
  • Proof of qualifications (certificates, German certificates, etc.)
  • If necessary, references as a language mediator

Please send us your application documents by post or email to:
IBS gemeinnützige GmbH – Qualifizierung SprInt
z.H. Kristin Fischer
Wallstraße 18
99084 Erfurt

19.10.2023 |16:30 – 18:00 Uhr (online)
23.10.2023 | 10:00 – 12:00 Uhr (in Präsenz) ODER 16:30 – 18:00 Uhr (online)
02.11.2023 | 10:00 – 12:00 Uhr (in Präsenz) ODER 16:30 – 18:00 Uhr (online)

Weitere Online-Termine sind in Planung. If you are interested, please contact us:

Introduction workshops
The introduction workshop is a prerequisite for participation in the face-to-face qualification.
(The workshop will take place in person, the venue will be announced later.)
24.10. – 26.10.2023 | 10:00 bis 15:00 Uhr
07.11. – 09.11.2023 | 10:00 bis 15:00 Uhr
You only need to attend one of the two workshops.

Basic training
The basic training is a prerequisite for participation in the blended learning variant.
(The training will take place in person, the venue will be announced later.)
27.11. – 01.12.2023 | 10:00 – 15:00 Uhr
04.12. – 08.12.2023 | 10:00 – 15:00 Uhr
You only need to take part in one of the two basic training courses. The basic training is recognized as educational leave in Thuringia.


Information brochure




We are here for you:

Mediation service:

Jelena Wimmer-Vasic
Project management of the “SprIntpool” placement service

Fadi Kanjo
Project coordination of placement service “SprIntpool”

Thomas Cerny
Project employee placement service “SprIntpool”

You can reach the placement service at:
0361 511 500 21
Mobil: 0157 357 017 88

For inquiries regarding project coordination:
0361 511 500 298


Kristin Fischer
Project management qualification SprInt
0361 511 500 297

Christine Arnold
Project coordination qualification SprInt
0361 511 500 27

Patrick Wolff
Lecturer qualification SprInt
0361 511 500 27

Theresa Henke
Career coaching and lecturer qualification SprInt
0361 511 500 27

Lucas Schumann
Project staff
0361 511 500 27


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