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Publications on current topics in migration and integration work

Whether together with our network partners or within individual projects: IBS gGmbH continuously works on publications on current topics in migration and integration work.

“Refugee women on their way into the labor market” Downloads: German (as of 01.09.2022) English (as of 08.09.2022)

“Duty to cooperate in clarifying the identity of people in the asylum procedure” Downloads: German (as of 10.08.2020) English (as of 10.08.2020) French (as of 10.08.2020) Dari (as of 10.08.2020) Arabic (as of 10.08.2020) Turkish (as of 10.08.2020) Russian (Stans 10.08.2020) Obligation to cooperate in clarifying identity/obtaining a passport for people with tolerated status Download: German (as of 09/19) English ( as of 11/2019) French (as of 05/2020) Dari (as of 07/2020) Arabic (as of 07/2020) Turkish (as of 08/2019) Russian (as of 08/2019)

“Tolerated deportation + work = residence permit?” Download: Tolerated deportation + work = residence permit? [Status: 27.04.2023]

“The training toleration in Thuringia” Download: The training toleration in Thuringia [Status: 05.10.2020]

“Residency requirement, residence requirement, residence regulation” Download: Residence requirement_residence requirement_residence regulation [Status: 09.11.2021]

Information on applying for work and residence permits & the application process in Thuringia Download: Applying for work and residence permits [Status: 05.05.2020]

Employment bans for people in the asylum procedure or with tolerated status Download: Employment bans 2020
[Stand 03/2020]

Erlasslage Ausländerrecht – Thematisch

Here you will find a table in which currently valid decrees on immigration law from the federal states are listed thematically.

Veröffentlicht: 11/2018

Herausgegeben durch: Thüringer Ministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit, Frauen und Familie

Veröffentlicht: 09/2022

Herausgegeben durch: Diese Publikation wird herausgegeben von der Koordination des Thüringer IvAF-Netzwerkes

„BLEIBdran. Berufliche Perspektiven für Flüchtlinge in Thüringen“

Vieles ist bereits übersetzt, die aktuelle Seite gibt es bisher in folgenden Sprachen




Institut für Berufsbildung und Sozialmanagement gGmbH

Juri-Gagarin-Ring 160
99084 Erfurt

Wallstraße 18
99084 Erfurt