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Das Institut für Berufsbildung- und Sozialmanagement gGmbH

Since our founding in 1998, we have carried out a wide range of educational and advisory measures, primarily in the social area.

We advise and train on the recognition of foreign educational qualifications, on paths, legal frameworks and funding opportunities for immigration of foreign skilled workers, on social and residence law issues and access to the labor market for migrants who already live in Germany, especially for asylum seekers and refugees.

The professional competence of the team is largely determined by the various professional fields and language skills of the employees. IBS offers consulting services in German, English, Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, Arabic, French and Spanish. In addition, the IBS coordinates a pool of language and integration mediators who interpret in 25 languages.

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Who we are

The Institute for Vocational Training and Social Management non-profit GmbH is a company in the AWO-Landesverband Thuringia e. V., which initiates and supports innovative labor market projects in the area of ​​migration. Through advice, training, qualification, language training, networking and project management, particularly with a focus on supporting the labor market integration of migrants, she has been successfully implementing federal and state programs in Thuringia for many years.

Our goals

Our overall goal is to be a reliable and well-founded contact for all actors who want to promote and advance professional integration through cooperation with research, administration, politics, civil society organizations and business. We act as a bridge builder between the concerns of migrants, politics, administration and the economy.

We achieve this with the following sub-goals:

  • We strive for new ways of consulting and qualification in the social economy.
  • We initiate projects that help shape social processes and fill blind spots in existing regulatory structures.
  • We develop projects that have a lasting impact.
  • We promote self-determined action and have a social and integrative effect through our work.
  • We get involved in current political discussions on specific topics.
  • We initiate specialist forums and workshops to make our knowledge and the results of our work public and usable for others.

We base our actions and the design of our work on the following principles:

On the cutting edge, but with a stable foundation
Professionalism is an important criterion for our work. The professional competence of the team is largely determined by the different professional fields of our employees. Social science, pedagogical and business knowledge is brought together in joint projects. Regular further training, participation in working groups and participation in specialist forums are important sources of inspiration for our work. We also ensure topicality through constant exchange with stakeholders at state, federal and European levels.

Thinking outside the box, but keeping an eye on the essentials
We align the content of our work and our programmes with the practical needs of the target groups of our projects. We keep an eye on the complexity and multi-layered nature of the topics. It is important to us to look at content and structures from different perspectives, to act multi-professionally and yet always act in a goal-oriented and practical manner.

With a sharp mind, but always with the heart
We work in transdisciplinary teams in a constructive atmosphere to realise the tasks and goals of our projects. For us, project work is characterized by a clearly defined, structured approach that focuses on results. We always work transparently and take responsibility for the team and the results of our work. We penetrate complex content and structures and test new paths. We therefore often implement projects with a model character. We learn from each other and from others, combine our knowledge with new findings and use it profitably. The unrestricted recognition of the diversity of all people and the promotion of equal participation determine our actions.

Supplement to the IBS principles based on current social developments, May 2024

We value and promote diversity and are committed to creating spaces that are sensitive to discrimination

As IBS, we are united by an unreserved commitment to the values of freedom, human rights, democracy, the rule of law and tolerance. We therefore reject all forms of discrimination – such as racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, antiziganism, ableism, sexism, queerophobia and classism.

We see ourselves as a place of diversity where people with different biographies, interests, convictions and expectations as well as different socialisation experiences come together. Making this place a discrimination-sensitive space for everyone – regardless of origin, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, religion, culture, residence status, age, class, appearance or other affiliations and attributions – is the aspiration and principle of our work.

We are committed to active and preventive action against all forms of discrimination. We have a person of trust who is qualified in anti-discrimination work and to whom those affected can turn. If we become aware of any discriminatory incidents, we will address them immediately. We are committed to dealing with specific cases of discrimination in consultation with those affected and taking concrete measures to counteract them.

We consider this work to be a continuous process that must be subject to regular self-critical review.


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Institut für Berufsbildung und Sozialmanagement gGmbH

Juri-Gagarin-Ring 160
99084 Erfurt

Wallstraße 18
99084 Erfurt